日期: 2020-07-29 分类: 跨站数据测试 358次阅读
Night City is the vast metropolis featured in Cyberpunk 2077, the highly-anticipated open-world RPG by CD Projekt Red due later this year. It is the playground of shady mega-corporations and bloodthirsty gangs. Violence and intimidation is their language.
ñ 洞察力;市是庞克2077,备受瞩目的开放世界RPG由CD Projekt的红将于今年晚些时候特色广阔的大都市。 这是阴暗的大型公司和嗜血帮派的游乐场。 暴力和恐吓是他们的语言。

If you are reading this, there’s a good chance you already know something about this ambitious new game. The experience heavily emphasises cybernetic implants as a way of powering up your character. But powerful, futuristic weapons are a critical part of the equation, and they could mean the difference between life and death on any given day. The CD Projekt Red developers recently walked through what to expect around weapons in their latest update stream. As you might expect, there are multiple companies promoting the manufacture and distribution of a vast and diversified arsenal — suitable for any and all possible needs of both the criminals and cops who roam the streets of Night City.
如果您正在阅读本文,很有可能您已经对这款雄心勃勃的新游戏有所了解。 体验着重强调了控制论植入,这是增强角色能力的一种方式。 但是强大的,未来派的武器是等式的关键部分,它们可能意味着任何一天生与死之间的差异。 CD Projekt Red开发人员最近在最新更新流中对武器的预期进行了探讨。 如您所料,有多家公司致力于制造和分销庞大而多样化的军火库,以满足在夜城街头游荡的罪犯和警察的任何和所有可能的需求。
Here is a brief run-down of what you can expect from the weapons on offer.
武器课 (Weapon Classes)
The game’s tools of death can be divided into three main categories:
游戏的死亡工具可分为三大类 :
功率 (POWER)
These are conventional weapons of the classic variety. Their bullets are activated by gunpowder. They are a legacy of the 21st century and some of them are still in operation, while others were built far more recently (closer to the current date of 2077 in which the game is set).
这些是经典武器的常规武器。 他们的子弹被火药激活。 它们是21世纪的遗产,其中一些仍在使用中,而另一些则是在较新的时间(距当前设定游戏的2077年日期较近)建造的。

Although they are not exactly futuristic, they are still very functional, simple to use, and can be purchased at a reduced cost.
聪明 (SMART)
With production beginning in 2040, the category includes portable launchers that fire guided missiles, capable of following and hitting the target without even having to aim.
In terms of composition, CD Projekt revealed that since the missiles are self-propelled, the barrel of SMART weapons can be quite short.
就组成而言,CD Projekt透露,由于导弹是自行推进的,因此SMART武器的枪管可能很短。

科技 (TECH)
With production also starting in 2040, the weapons of this category are equipped with a very powerful electromagnetic force, generated by two magnets placed around the barrel, which launch projectiles at great speed.
To assist aiming, a standard sight is fitted to each weapon by default.
武器制造商 (Weapon Manufacturers)
Clearly, these jewels of technology have been produced and distributed by companies that have a specific style and personal approach to gun design and construction.
At the top of the weapons production, we find the Asian corporations, specifically Japan’s Araska and the Tsunami Defense System, which provide buyers with high-tech tools of the highest quality.
在武器生产的顶部,我们找到了亚洲公司,特别是日本的阿拉斯加和海啸防御系统 ,它们为购买者提供了最优质的高科技工具。

Western companies, on the other hand, are no different: among these, there is Militech, a famous military agency that focuses mostly on the production of medium quality weapons.
另一方面,西方公司也没有什么不同:在这些公司中,有一家著名的军事机构Militech ,它主要致力于生产中等质量的武器。
The list continues with both the Constitutional Arms, famous for producing excellent shotguns and machine guns and the Midnight Arms, which excels at heavy weapons.
该名单继续以“ 宪法武器” (以生产出色的shot弹枪和机关枪而闻名)和“ 午夜武器” (在重型武器方面表现出色)而继续。
For anyone looking for high-end tools, the Technotronica company has expanded the production chain with the inclusion of military robots.
对于任何寻求高端工具的人, Technotronica公司都将军用机器人纳入了生产链。

Once bright, but now lit only by the fading light of the past is the Malorian Arms company, which has not made new models since 2043, but is still considered an icon today in the creation of rather reliable pistols.
Malorian Arms公司曾经是明亮公司,但现在仅由过去的衰落灯光照亮,该公司自2043年以来就没有制造过新型号,但如今仍被认为是制造相当可靠的手枪的标志。
Moving on to low-end companies, it is worth mentioning both Nokota, which produces low-cost but not inefficient weapons, and the Indian company Darra Polytechnic, in which style prevails at the expense of quality.
转向低端公司,值得一提的是生产低成本但效率不高的武器的Nokota ,以及以质量为代价而占优势的印度公司Darra Polytechnic 。
Rostovic is the creator of extremely cheap and simple Serbian weapons, but at the same time very modifiable.
Finally, there is a “ do-it-yourself “ approach with BudgetArms 3D printing, a decidedly low-cost solution.
最后,采用BudgetArms 3D打印是一种“ 自己动手 ”的方法,这是一种绝对低成本的解决方案。
赛博朋克2077的武器 (The Weapons of CyberPunk 2077)
So far we’ve looked at weapon types as well as explored the different key manufacturers. Let’s now take a closer look at some examples of actual weapons. We’ll use blueprints provided by CD Projekt Red.
到目前为止,我们已经研究了武器类型以及不同的主要制造商。 现在让我们仔细看看一些实际武器的例子。 我们将使用CD Projekt Red提供的蓝图。
It’s a light machine gun, shaped to offer a low profile to those who wield it.
这是一种轻型机枪 ,其形状旨在使持枪者低调。

The handle has been moved to the right side to facilitate maneuverability when using it in the prone position, while the magazine can hold a large number of bullets while maintaining a non-invasive size.
The Constitutional Defender is supplied to corporate guards but is also widely used among civilians.
康涛G-58点 (KANG TAO G-58 DIAN)
In this case we are talking about a SMART machine gun, composed of several parts that can be folded in order to build the main body of the weapon.

It also has an advanced fast reload mechanism, capable of inserting bullets with great speed with minimal effort. Finally, the length of the stock can be adjusted.
它还具有先进的快速重装机制,能够以最小的速度快速插入子弹。 最后,可以调整库存长度。
We remain in the field of machine guns: this weapon is mainly designed for short-lived battles.

It also uses nine-millimeter bullets and can hold a large number of bullets. It is a robust and fully reliable tool, mainly used by law enforcement and military companies.
它还使用9毫米子弹,可以容纳大量子弹。 它是一种功能强大且完全可靠的工具,主要供执法部门和军事公司使用。
This is a weapon that CD Projekt Red defines as “fully automatic, extremely reliable and durable”.
CD Projekt Red将其定义为“全自动,极其可靠和耐用”的武器。

As the development team always reveals, Militech has formed a partnership with Tao Industries (a leading manufacturer of lightweight compensators) in order to minimize the recoil of guns.
正如开发团队经常透露的那样, Militech与Tao Industries (轻型补偿器的领先制造商)建立了合作关系,以最大程度地减少枪支的后坐力。
The peculiarity of this instrument consists in the fact that it does not have any trolley for storing the shots, since, to perform this function, there is a special compartment inserted in the back.
We leave the field of guns to focus on a melee weapon, a sort of hybrid between an instrument of death and an artificial muscle implant.
我们 离开枪支领域,专注于近战武器,这是一种死亡工具与人造肌肉植入物之间的混合体。
Mantis Blades are made up of incredibly sharp blades, composed of carbon tungsten installed as a replacement for the forearm.

According to information released by CD Projekt Red, the arm is replaced with a shell made of graphene, which houses the blades and threads of the polymer muscles.
根据CD Projekt Red发布的信息,该手臂被石墨烯制成的外壳所代替,该外壳容纳聚合物肌肉的刀片和线。
结论 (Conclusions)
Our brief excursus on the weapons and the manufacturers of Cyberpunk 2077 ends here. We’re now waiting not only to be able to see these beauties in action but also to exploit all their deadly abilities to make our way through the dangerous streets of Night City once the game finally (hopefully) releases on November 19.
我们对武器的简短附记和朋克的厂商莅临2077点结束。 现在,我们不仅在等待看到这些美女的行动,而且还在等游戏最终(希望)在11月19日发布后,利用它们的所有致命能力穿越夜城的危险街道。
翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/cyberpunk-2077-the-weapons-of-the-future-3bfe22b0535e
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